It’s an amazing feeling to have the comfort and companionship of a dog, especially for someone that struggles with what life hands them when they least expect it. It makes sense that some people would benefit from adding a well behaved dog to their home but in many places it’s difficult to find a place to live that will allow a dog.


This is where an Emotional Support Dog can make all the difference in the world.


Landlords are legally allowed to evict owners of Emotional Support Dogs if it is a nuisance to other tenants or disruptive/destructive, and in some cases they can deny accommodations simply based on a belief that the dog will be a nuisance or destructive. A letter from a qualified professional stating that your life would be improved by the addition of an Emotional Support Dog is just the start. It’s in your best interest to have a well behaved, respectful dog as an Emotional Support Dog.

We can help.

We offer calm, quiet, obedience trained dogs that we feel would make exceptional Emotional Support Dogs. They are priced at $3,500. They come fully vetted, up-to-date on vaccinations and spayed/neutered.


We typically provide well training Emotional Support Dogs in two ways…we match your personality and lifestyle to a dog we have here, or we can train your personal dog. If you have a dog that is at least six months old and you want it to be trained so you won’t be at risk for eviction or denial for housing please go here. Remember, we train the dog and give you the information to keep the dog’s manners and obedience in place but it’s ultimately up to YOU to maintain the dog at the level you want him to be.

If you are interested in learning more our dogs please fill out the form below and we will get back to you soon.